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Is your building ready for the Spring? Every season change brings with it a laundry list of things for building managers and facility operators to do. Every building is different and has its own unique set of requirements for preparing for the coming season. This fluctuates greatly depending on which part of the country (or world) your facility is located in, as well as what type of facility you are operating. For example, the requirements of a university building is typically different that of a manufacturing facility.

The key to a successful strategy to address seasonal building maintenance is planning for the details. Areas in your facility that go overlooked, never get the maintenance attention they require; and it is those small, seemingly insignificant areas, that are the ones that always cost the most to address "later on" or "down the road." In this case, the proverbial squeaky wheel, goes along ungreased... and at some point gives out.

A great example of this is cooling tower water treatment or cooling tower maintenance in general. Every month you throw a cursory glance at your cooling tower... it's running, seems fine, the water is clean... or is it? Sometimes it is what you don't see that gives you the biggest headaches. Even though the water looks clear, your cooling tower could be undertreated and growing biofilm, and that super thin, almost undetectable, layer of biofilm is greatly impeding heat transfer. If this is the case, you could unwittingly be spending thousands of unnecessary dollars in increased energy costs. Or worse, that biofilm could be aiding in under-deposit corrosion in your chiller which could greatly shorten its usable lifespan.

So what can you do to prepare your facility for the coming season change? How do you make sure your facility is looking its best and ready to operate at peak efficiency? How do you identify and manage facility condition risks? It may sound archaic, but the almighty checklist is still the vehicle of choice for making sure that all major areas of your facility are attended to without fail.

In our effort to help out we have compiled a our own checklist to an imaginary facility. Since every building is completely unique, homepage we concentrated on areas that are going to be 70% of commercial facilities. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every facility (that would be impossible), but it is a good start and hopefully a great idea generator for your spring season facility checklist. We call it The Ultimate Springtime Facilities Management Checklist, and before you send us angry emails about all the things we forgot, we would like you to consider using this checklist as conversation starter with your operations team to make sure that your facility is getting the attention it needs this spring. All you have to do is click the link below to get your free instant download!

If you feel like there are some more (super obvious) areas that we should add to our list, please let us know in the comments section below. Have a Happy Spring, Thanks for reading and good luck!

Greg Frazier is an expert in Industrial Water Treatment and is currently the Managing Partner of Clarity Water Technologies, one of the best Water Treatment and HVAC Cleaning Companies in the Atlantic Northeast. Mr. Frazier has over 18 years of Industrial Water Treatment experience and holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tennessee. Clarity Water Technologies specializes in extended water treatment services. For instance, Clarity's service goes beyond just Cooling Tower Water Treatment - it also includes Cooling Tower Maintenance.